A Mother's Day Like No Other

A Mother's Day Like No Other

It’s our one special day, breakfast in bed, all the cards covered in handprints, the extra “I love yous”.  A day we get to celebrate our mothers and of course, ourselves!  Whether we like it or not, this year Covid-19 has found its way to be a constant in our thoughts and concerns. So what can we do to honor our special women in a time such as the one we’re currently living in?

Across our states and country, restrictions are enforced, stores are closed, and what used to be our “norm” is nothing more than a long distant dream. We have all learned to adapt to this new life: the one in which we’ve seldom left our homes for weeks on end, and have gone without seeing our closest friends and loved ones; the life in which restaurants and grocery stores deliver our food to us and we’re on first name bases with the UPS and FedEx drivers.  It’s certainly a life that no one could have predicted.

Just because it’s not what we’re used to, doesn’t mean we can’t make the most of it. Especially when it comes time to celebrate and cherish the many wonderful women in our lives. So let’s do our best to help them feel remembered this coming Mother’s Day. 

As a mother to 5 beautiful, busy, and exhausting children that I completely adore, the last thing I want to do on Mother's Day is actually mother them.  I don’t mean I don’t want to be with them, I just want a minute to really appreciate them...by myself. One way to do that is journaling.  Dust off that old diary, open notes in your phone or borrow your son’s Avenger’s notepad and write.  Write about your feelings as a mother, the good the bad, the horrible and beautiful. Write about the many things you’re grateful for.  It’s amazing the way your heart fills so quickly when you put into words your feelings, and your children will love to read about it for years to come, especially when it comes to sharing the details of this crazy Covid-19 experience.

Get outdoors.  Sunshine really is so good for the soul.  Being outside makes bad days good, and good days pretty awesome.  With the trees blossoming and fresh flowers blooming everywhere, you can’t help but experience the feeling of love and fresh beginnings.  I’m pretty sure that’s why Mother’s Day is in May. No one appreciates new life like a woman.

Soak it in.  We’re living in such a time of uncertainty.  Our schools, jobs, local grocers, doctor's offices, our kid’s soccer leagues are all changing the way they operate and it’s up to us to make the best of these challenging situations.  Of course, we want to be able to drive a few hours away to visit our mothers and grandmas, and who wouldn’t want to? But chances are, this year, it might not happen. Instead, take a look around, hear that baby crying in the other room, the children laughing while riding bikes, you created that… and something that wonderful deserves to be celebrated.  Keep up the good work women and mamas. Way to step up and put on the sometimes daunting hats of teacher, counselor, newscaster, comforter, and the one who all the children come to first to show off their biggest sandcastle and their most recent scratches to.  Enjoy this slower time, kiss your children’s dimples, and note their funny tendencies to put their shoes on the wrong feet every time.  As we’ve been told from the beginning, one day we’ll miss this.

If you’re still wanting to show some extra love, nothing beats having flowers delivered or a card in the mail.  But really, a simple phone call, and an “I love you” will always do the trick!  

I hope these ideas can help bring some extra love to your Mother’s Day this year during these crazy Covid times.  Whether you’re a mom, aunt, grandma, neighbor, or sister, there’s something to be celebrated in all of you. So enjoy this special holiday for you.  And if I recall, I’m pretty sure teacher appreciation is coming up soon as well… 

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