August's National Days

August's National Days

It's a new month, which means new days to celebrate! And let's face it, we could really use any reason to celebrate the little things in this crazy world.

August 2nd: National Coloring Book Day

If you need some fresh coloring books, we've got you covered! Make the coloring book celebration even more exciting with some fun new art supplies! 

August 2nd: National Sisters Day (first Sunday in August)

Oh man, I love my sisters. This is the perfect opportunity to plan something special with them!

August 4th: National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day

Not that I need a national day to help me celebrate this one...

August 9th: National Book Lover's Day

What better time to snuggle up with your favorite books? If you need something new to add to your library, you can check out our selection of books!

August 10th: National Lazy Day

Hey, if the whole nation is going to have a lazy day, then we might as well join in! Stay in jammies, let the laundry sit until tomorrow, and take it easy. 

August 11th: National Son's and Daughter's Day

A whole day to celebrate the little ones that made us parents! Plan something memorable with your son or daughter. It doesn't need to be fancy! They will simply enjoy their time together.

August 12th: National Middle Child Day

The middle child often gets a lot of flack, but on August 12th, they have the whole day to bask in their awesomeness!

August 19th: International Bow Day

Wear your favorite hair accessory to celebrate International Bow Day! The Baby Cubby has bows, bows, and more bows if you feel the need to expand your collection. 

August 24th: National Waffle Day

Eat 'em for breakfast and for dinner. Heck, you can even eat them for lunch. On National Waffle Day, you can do that.

August 26th: National Women's Equality Day

On this day in 1920, the United States Congress passed the 19th Amendment, granting women full and equal voting rights. It's the perfect day to introduce your little ones to women who changed the world with the Little Feminist Board Book Set from Mudpuppy.

August 28th: National Bow Tie Day

The celebration of bows continues! This time, the famous accessory for fellas gets a turn to shine. Make any outfit dapper simply by adding a bow tie. 

Join The Baby Cubby in adding some excitement to August by celebrating these national days and make the most of the final month of summer!


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