Video: Cruise Around Town with the UPPAbaby CRUZ V2

Video: Cruise Around Town with the UPPAbaby CRUZ V2

The CRUZ V2 is a single stroller that is compact without compromise and stylish in the way we expect from UPPAbaby. You won't have to sacrifice on storage space, handling, or convenience features that both parents and littles will love!

The UPPAbaby CRUZ V2 is kind of a younger sibling to the VISTA V2 (which can be a double stroller). But as I mentioned before, it has just about every feature you could ask for in a single stroller. First off, it comes in plenty of fabric color options—from neutrals to more fun colors like teal and pink. Its extra large UPF 50+ sun canopy protects your baby from the weather, and you can adjust the height of it as your kid grows taller! Even the 5-point harness straps are easily adjustable. The seat is reversible and has a one-handed lie-flat recline, ensuring comfort on the go. The belly bar and handlebar are both covered in high quality leather, providing a solid grip. Its telescoping handlebar can also be adjusted with one hand. So let's be honest, UPPAbaby has mastered the art of simple adjustments, keeping in mind that parents often have their arms full!

One of the most notable features is the storage basket. It is quite honestly enormous, and the back edge bends down easily so you can store things without any fuss. The tires have 4-wheel suspension and the front wheels lock to make maneuvering easy on rougher terrains. Lastly, its fold is just about the easiest and least clunky thing we've ever seen. After locking the footbrake and collapsing the canopy and handlebar, all you have to do is pull the triggers on the sides of the frame. It folds in half quite easily and stands upright on its own, which is useful for many storage spaces. Unfolding is just as easy!

Overall, the UPPAbaby CRUZ V2 is one of the most versatile single stroller options on the market. It’s made of high quality, durable materials, and we love it!


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[…] Source: The Baby Cubby Community Blog, Author: Megan Matheson […]

Cruise Around Town with the UPPAbaby CRUZ V2 - Peek Jar News

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