Formula Feeding Just Got Easier

Formula Feeding Just Got Easier

PC: @thedotdash

Despite being a breastfeeding mother, I found formula was handy for those quick date nights away from little mr. when I just didn't have time to pump or I was out of freezer-stored breast milk. But let's be honest--leaving baby with Papa seemed a little more complicated when I said, "you'll have to make him a bottle." How much formula? How much water? And then there's the whole different ballgame of heating the baby bottle to the perfect temperature! Is it possible that there's an easier way for parents and Nana and Pop's everywhere?

Whether you exclusively formula feed or use formula once in a while, every single parent can benefit from the genius design of Mixie bottles. Yes, it's true. These innovative little bottles make it so you can fix your baby a bottle ahead of time, and then mix it right when they're hungry. How is this possible, you might ask? Here's how it works:

Prep Instructions for the Mixie:

  1. Scoop the needed amount of formula into the smaller airtight container.
  2. Press the container lid down to secure the formula, keeping it dry.
  3. Twist formula compartment into the bottom of the Mixie bottle.
  4. Fill bottle with prepared water from the top.  

8 oz Mixie Baby Bottle

Mixing Steps:

    1. When baby is ready to feed, push the button on the bottom of the bottle to effectively release the airtight container.
    2. Shake the bottle for about 30 seconds, allowing the container lid to become an agitator that breaks up the formula for you.
As you can see, the preparation process doesn't take long, and the actual mixing takes up even less time. Hunger is not a patient emotion, especially when it comes from an infant. Now you can avoid the panicked rush to find a bottle and nipple, that feverish scooping and measuring of formula, and rushed mixing while your baby cries hungrily. The Mixie allows you to respond to your baby's needs, right when they occur. Get multiple Mixie bottles to help you keep bottle prep easy no matter where you are!

Benefits of the Mixie bottle include:

  • Easy travel (can I get a raised hand for all you formula feeding mamas out there?!)
  • Simplified late night feedings (no fumbling around in the dark)
  • Less clutter in the diaper bag (no need for that pack of formula)
  • Easy clean up (it's all in the bottle!)

The mixie's airtight container and lid are the secret to this useful and time-saving design. If you're ready for simple and easy formula feeding, stop by The Baby Cubby to get your Mixie 4 oz. starter set. The Mixie gift set is quite the hit at baby showers, too! 

Mixie Gift Set (1 8oz, 1 4oz bottle)

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