Nuna MIXX2 v. UPPAbaby Cruz

If you're in the market for a high-end modular stroller, and are having a hard time narrowing down your options, this review is for you! We're breaking down the features of the UPPAbaby Cruz and the Nuna Mixx to see how they stack up to help you make the best choice for your family!

Nuna Mixx

Nuna MixxModular strollers are great for families that want versatility to switch things up and rearrange the seating options based on where they're riding and how babe wants to sit. Both the Cruz and the Mixx are travel systems, so they are compatible with infant car seats. The UPPAbaby Mesa clips right into the Cruz, but the Mixx needs the included adapters to clip in the Nuna Pipa. Both carseats offer additional adapters to accommodate different car seats, but the Cruz has more options and accessories overall than the Mixx.

When it comes to convenience features both strollers perform almost identically. They each have quick and easy folds that keep fabrics from touching the ground, simple foot breaks to lock the wheels in place, and one-handed recline to use the toddler seat for infants. To check out the specifics and see how these strollers perform side-by-side check out our video on Youtube! They both feature telescopic handlebars that will help to accommodate different heights.

 Uppababy Cruz

Uppababy cruz

When considering when and where you're going to use these strollers, it's worth looking at the overall design. The UPPAbaby Cruz is definitely better suited for city life and overall does better on pavement and sidewalks. It's lighter than the Nuna Mixx by about 5lbs (21lbs vs. 27lbs.), and it has smaller, rubber wheels that don't do as well for parks or uneven terrain. The Mixx has larger, foam-filled tires and added suspension to give your little one a smoother ride. Both strollers have generous canopies that extend for extra coverage-- The Mixx is hidden in a zipper pouch on the canopy, and the Cruz folds out from underneath the canopy.

Narrowing down your options when you're looking for a stroller can be daunting, so refer to this comparison and check out our Youtube channel for reviews and to see all the features, how they fold, and how seats clip in. Choosing between two great options is never easy, but with either the UPPAbaby Cruz or the Nuna Mixx you can be sure you'll be investing in a stroller both you and your little one will love!

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